Glossary - N

NAPKIN a handkerchief

NATURAL an idiot

NAYWARD towards denial

NAYWORD a catch-word, by-word

NEB the beak

NEELD a needle

NEIF hand

NEPHEW a grandson


NEXT nearest

NICE foolish

NICK score or reckoning

NICK to brand with folly

NIGHTED black as night

NIGHT-RULE nightly solemnity

NINE MEN'S MORRIS a place set apart for a Moorish dance by nine men

NINNY a fool, jester

NOBILITY nobleness

NOBLE a coin, worth 6s. 8d

NODDY a dolt

NONCE for the nonce, corrupted from 'for then once,' for the occasion

NOOK-SHOTTEN indented with bays and creeks

NOURISH a nurse

NOVUM a game at dice

NOWL head

NUTHOOK a hook for pulling down nuts, hence a thief